Boosting credibility and membership for a leading financial professional trade association
The Challenge
Leading Financial Professional Trade Association
Membership in professional associations is on the decline, especially among younger generations. Yet, the need for job seekers to reskill and upskill to remain competitive has never been more important. A dedicated multi-prong strategy was required to penetrate several facets of media to reach a varied stakeholder audience.
The Solution
Aligned human-centric media approach with the global business strategy to help the association: 1) win additional market share, 2) drive member acquisition and retention, 3) raise awareness among young professionals and student pipeline and 4) demonstrate mastery of technology and trends
The Results
feature placements, a 12.5% increase from prior period
top-tier placements (Fortune, The Wall Sreet Journal, Bloomberg, The Economist, Forbes, Thomson Reuters, HBR
of placements featured in mainstream publications
*A part of our team's collective wisdom, experiences, successes and passions obtained at other points along our professional journeys.