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Meghan McGrail

Four Ways to Spring Clean Your Business During the Pandemic

Spring is the time of year when homeowners participate in the dreaded, yet necessary, task of Spring Cleaning. Whether that entails reorganizing your kitchen “junk drawer”, donating old clothes to charity, or cleaning your entire house from top to bottom, we all do something in one way or another.

But spring cleaning shouldn’t only apply to homes. Businesses can and should take full advantage of this time of year to get reorganized and make the necessary improvements to better their success, and that’s what I’m here to help you with.

Here are four ways you can “Spring Clean” your business within these upcoming months.

// Feng Shui Your Website.

One simple, yet effective, way to freshen up your company is by updating or “cleaning” your website. It’s no secret that websites help businesses grow and evolve, so it’s important that companies use their website to its full ability.

Maybe there is some content on your website that needs some rewording to optimize SEO or better reflect your company’s goals. Or maybe your website looks a little outdated and needs some love.

Whatever it is, just make sure you do it! Because believe me when I say, fixing little details can make a major impact on your website's user experience. So, make sure it’s clear, simple, aesthetically pleasing, and makes sense with the value you want to provide visitors.

In addition, chances are your company has made some changes within the last year due to the pandemic, so make sure your website communicates that. Show that you’ve been working hard during this difficult time and that you’re here to accommodate your customers. I’m sure they will appreciate it – because that’s what they want.

// Freshen Up Your Business Plan.

The fresh spring air may bring some new clarity to business goals, so now is the perfect time to freshen up an outdated business plan. Businesses are constantly evolving so now is the perfect time to take your business plan off the shelf and refresh it.

This past year has caused most businesses to do a pandemic pivot in order to survive. Does your business plan acknowledge this? Review all of the changes that occurred, both positive and negative and alter your business plan to reflect where you want the business to proceed. An updated business plan is essential to a company that wants to remain on a positive growth trajectory and flourish in today’s post-pandemic economy.

// Clean Up Your Marketing Strategies.

Marketing strategies are constantly evolving and with almost everything being remote this past year, digital options are preferred by practically everyone to make it easier and safer. People now work online, receive news briefs online, and even socialize with friends online.

Now more than ever it’s time to take a step back and examine what you’ve been doing to accommodate this recent change in regards to how your customers want to engage and interact with your business. Your marketing strategies need to reflect that too.

It can all get pretty complicated pretty fast. If that’s the case, you may want to consider investing in outsourced marketing where professionals bring their experience and expertise to help you manage and operate the marketing functions of your company.

// “Kondo” The Office.

This last one might seem silly, but really it isn’t. I believe it to be essential, especially since a majority of us are now working from home. We’ve already been removed from our offices and usual workplace, so it’s important that you create a good environment to work in while you’re at home.

Channel your very best Marie Kondo and start decluttering.

Spring cleaning your workspace can make you feel refreshed, organized, and more efficient. And not only will your workplace look better, but you might also feel better, too!

Now that spring is here, it’s time that you take your business to the //NKST (next) level. And we truly believe that spring cleaning your business can and will put your business on the track for greater success, so what’re you waiting for? Get cleaning!



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